MCEC Policies

Accessibility Policy

As a Christian organization, MCEC believes that all persons, irrespective of disabilities or limitations, are equal before God and deserving of hospitality, dignity, respect, and, to the extent possible, access to goods and services provided by MCEC. In light of this commitment, MCEC recognizes the diverse needs of all Constituents and strives to provide services and facilities that are accessible to all.

In accordance with provincial law, congregations in Ontario are required to develop and enforce specific standards of accessibility by January 1, 2012.

Looking for help developing your own policies?

Sample Policies and Resources: Region of Waterloo

Online Resources

  1. Ontario Government website on Accessibility Customer Service for organizations with fewer with 20 employees
  2. Training Resource
  3. Training Guide for Small Businesses and Organizations
  4. Accessibility Training

conflict of interest

Conflict of Interest Policy

This policy in intended to ensure that MCEC employees act with integrity and in ways that are fair and equitable. While the policy offers guidance in relation to some specific areas, the spirit of this policy will be used to guide decision-making for matters not directly named.

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

At MCEC, respecting privacy and personal information has always been an important part of our commitment to our constituents, employees and contractors. The objective of the MCEC Privacy Policy is to promote responsible and transparent personal information management practices in a manner consistent with the provisions of The Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act Canada (“PIPEDA”).

Plan to Protect Policy / Safe Spaces Policy

In order to grow as communities of grace, joy and peace, MCEC events must provide an environment in which children and youth can grow physically, emotionally and spiritually. The risk of physical, sexual or emotional abuse is absolutely minimized through policies, often referred to as Safe Spaces policies, that outline expectations of positive relational boundaries between MCEC staff and/or volunteers and the children or youth at MCEC events. There will be no tolerance for abuse, harassment or neglect by staff and/or volunteers working with children and youth at MCEC events.      

Healthy Worksplace

Workplace Violence & Harrassment Policy/
Conflict Discrimination Violence Harrassement Policy (draft)

MCEC believes that all persons deserve to be treated with respect, dignity, and compassion. In particular, MCEC is dedicated to the Mennonite understandings of non-violence and the practice of restorative justice. In light of these commitments, MCEC is dedicated to providing a safe, healthy and supportive work environment, which treats Workers and Constituents with respect, fairness and sensitivity.